Top 5 Oils for new Moms: Petra King Photography I Maternity + Baby + Wedding Photographer

Welcoming a new baby into your lives is HUGE. It’s a BIG change to your family dynamics, be it your first or not. Along with these changes come a whole bag of tricks that we are generally unprepared for. Sleep deprivation, emotions, stress, fighting germs and oh ya…hormones.

Oshawa Bowmanville Newborn Baby Boy

I am here to help make motherhood easier.If you are concerned about all the crap that is out there and worried what’s best for you and baby, this will help. Bite sized info that are easy to digest. Any help or advice on what works while you are in the thick of things is what most moms crave, right? And at the end of the day YOU need to do what you believe is best. These are MY top 5 oils for new moms that I know you will love and appreciate.

Bowmanville Sibling and newborn baby photography
Top 5 oils for motherhood


This is not your Grandmother’s lavender bathroom spray lol. This is the Swiss Army of oils. It also smells way different. In the best way too, because what we are used to is synthetic or a fragrance. YL Lavender is pure. Uplifts moods, amazing to unwind and my go to for sleep, skin (anti-fungal/inflammatory properties) Scrapes,bites and a great antihistamine.


Once teething hits…this is a lifesaver :) It’s powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties help to ease the pain on tender gums in minutes. It is also great for the nervous system, healing the skin and for colds/respiratory system.


One oil I cannot live without! Every home needs Thieves and those who use it will totally speak volumes about it too. Thieves kills 99.98% of germs. Amazing for your immune support, keeping you healthy and warding off sickness. It dates back to the 15th Century when grave robbers stole from the sick/dying during the plague. It is YL’s #1 seller. They have a whole home cleaning line using Thieves oil.

Peace and Calming

This beautiful blend is perfect for calming and soothing anxiety, stress, hyperactiveness and can help with insomnia. Great support for your emotional and nervous system too!

Progessence Photo Plus (PPP)

Let’s talk about homones shall we? They aren’t fun and one minute you are hot the next freezing and in tears. I get it…been there lol. Progessence supports healthy hormone balance in women. It contains natural hormone extract (use progesterone) from wild yams. Provides relief during PMS and menopause, endometriosis, PCOS, PPD, hot flashes, insomnia, hair loss, weight gain and so much more. I love it. I use it twice a day (am and night) 1-2 drops as part of my daily routine.

Interested in trying something to see how it can help you and your family? Use this link below to save you 24% AND an additional 10% on your first order. Creating your account is easy and free and ZERO obligations.

Get started here

Oshawa Bowmanville Markham Newborn Photographer

I am here for you mama. Sharing my knowledge and love with you because healthy mamas and healthy families matter.

Welcome sweet little Sonny. Your big sister and family love you so much!

Much love and till next time,


Petra King Photography’s studio celebrates Baby Milestones in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice, Whitby, Durham Region, Toronto, GTA and surrounding areas.

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Young Living, Low Tox Motherhood Petra King Young Living, Low Tox Motherhood Petra King

Diffusing vs Candles: Petra King Photography I Maternity + Baby + Wedding Photographer

The first Blog entry of 2025! Happy New Year friends. I hope you are all staying healthy and happy? Today’s blog post is going to hit a little differently. Less talking and more visuals for you ;).

If I could write a letter to my younger self I would strongly encourage myself to have done my research earlier! Blindly following labels just because they say all natural, pure, safe or green clean is far from what lies underneath. It’s a term called “Greenwashing” Simply put, hidden toxins, chemicals and fragrances that are otherwise banned or renamed just to sell a product.

Fast forward 15 years and I started using Young Living Essential Oils and dove into learning all I could. I am now older and more wiser :)

And when I ditched candles for my diffuser


These graphics should help breakdown and simplify things as it does get very overwhelming at times when you WANT to make a change but aren’t sure where to start.


I am not sure about you but at the time I had NO idea….read on

Curious about carcinogens? Click the graphic below for more info in a PDF.

Enter Young Living. A natural journey I embarked on ultimately for myself, turned into one that the whole family uses daily.

And WHY Young Living is different and THE Industry Leader in the HIGHEST quality and purest Essential Oils and Products on the market.

Still not convinced? Why not try out a few of these or blend together and create your own all natural and GOOD for you scent in your home? If you find something you love, please share it with me. I LOVE finding new scents that uplift, calm or just make me feel good!

Ready to get started and make a switch to a more natural and healthy lifestyle? Click the link to have access to my wholesale prices and receive an additional 10% off your first order.

Get started here

I can’t wait to welcome to the amazing world of Young Living.

I promise you will ask yourself why you didn’t start sooner.

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Happy, Healthy and One!: Oshawa Baby Studio Photographer Petra King

Miss. Maisie came into the studio recently with her beautiful family to celebrate her 1st Birthday. I adore this sweet family and have loved watching and documenting them grow over the last few years.

Health and wellness has different meanings to everyone. But I will tell you that if I could go back to when my own children were this age I would have loved to save myself time and money knowing what I know now.

Fast forward to present day and my children are now adults and working their first jobs and onto higher education. But the one thing I wish I did differently back then was learning how easy and cost effective it is to use Young Living’s products. Especially ones that keep my family healthy and free of harsh chemicals and toxins.

So I am here to remind you that your family and milestones matter to me too! I take pride in keeping the studio and my home clean for YOU as well as for my own family. Thieves Household Cleaner is my multipurpose cleaner of choice and works on everything!

One capful in a bucket of water to mop the main floor, 1 capful in a 16oz spray bottle to clean surfaces, glass and mirrors. There are over 300 ways to use Thieves Household Cleaner. Wow right?

Find it here! Want to give it a try? Use my link to save yourself 24% and if this is your first order…you save an additional 10% too!

Happy Cleaning = Healthy Families = More Milestones ;)

Happiest of First Birthday’s Miss. Maisie! Thanks for the giggles. I can’t wait to see you again in the near future

Celebrating your little love’s First Birthday? Contact the studio to see the fun ways to do so. We have got you covered.

Petra King Photography specializes in Baby, Motherhood and Marriage Photography, Serving

Low-Tox Young Living Education in Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice, Whitby, Durham Region, Toronto, GTA and surrounding areas.

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Growing families and healthy low tox homes: Durham Region Motherhood Studio Photography

First, second or third baby? Regardless, your family is growing and it’s such an exciting time! But with more little ones in the house it opens more doors for the germs to creep in. This month I am focusing on how to keep our homes and more importantly, our familles healthy with my all time favourite: Thieves Household Cleaner.

The importance of using a non toxic product to clean my studio and every surface in my home is huge. It not only kills germs for my family but helps to keep you and your family healthy too.

Thieves Household Cleaner is multi-purpose. I use it in the studio on all surfaces, kitchen, bathroom, floors, mirrors, glass, hardwood and so much more. Super concentrated and smells amazing, all you need is one capful. Add it to a 16oz spray bottle like these and top with water.

Excited dad to be

It also is a HUGE time saver. This plant based product does all the jobs to disinfect and clean and is baby and pet safe.

No need to wait for the “fragrance to leave a room” floors or surfaces to dry or crack a window because it stinks. This beautiful aroma consists of lemon, cinnamon, rosemary, eucalyptus and clove.

Thieves kills 99.96% of all germs. Giving us all peace of mind for what our moms and unborn children are being exposed to.

Here is a list of some ways to use it:

All Purpose-

1 capful of cleaner

2-3 cups of water

Spray liberally on surfaces & wipe clean


Glass & Mirror Cleaner-

3 cups water

1tsp white vinegar

Combine in Glass Spray Bottle

Add 5 drops of fav citrus oil (ie lemon or citrus fresh)

Spray surfaces and wipe clean with lint free cloth

If you are ready to switch over to Thieves and give it a try for you and your family click the link below. It will save you 24% and you’ll get an additional 10% off for being a brand new member. Which by the way mama, is free. Your membership account has so many perks (including earns you points on EVERY) product you purchase. Those points…yep, you can use for future orders.


Growing Healthy AND HAPPY Families. Now that’s cool!

Petra King Photography specializes in Maternity & Motherhood Photography. Serving Low-Tox Education in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice, Whitby, Durham Region, Toronto, GTA and surrounding areas.

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Low Tox Motherhood Petra King Low Tox Motherhood Petra King

Here's what works: Oshawa Low Tox Motherhood Studio

Hey mama!

Welcome back ;). Congratulations your baby has graduated! You’ve moved on from the newborn stage to the age group of 3-6 months. This is such a fun, sweet and silly time… and one of my favourites. As personalities emerge so does things like teething, tantrums and playing strange with outsiders. Don’t worry, as stressful as it sounds here are a few things to help you navigate Motherhood naturally and with ease.

Sweet baby girl laying down looking up

I love bringing my knowledge of Essential Oils and Young Living’s Plant based products to you because as a Mom myself, it’s important to know what I am using and how it affects my family. And I Thank You for being here and enjoying these little tidbits of Motherhood too.

When it comes to figuring out how to help your little one (especially when they can’t tell you what the matter is) knowing what to use that is all natural is overwhelming enough. YL has made it so easy to make the switch naturally and stress free.

Here’s my breakdown on what works for the above topics:

For Teething- reach for Copiaba. It’s an anti-inflammatory that is pretty much tasteless and works quickly. It helps to soothe sore little inflamed gums. You can apply neat directly to their gums. Or dilute with a carrier oil first and rub onto gums for support.

For tantrums- try reaching for Lavender, Gentle Baby, Peace & Calming or try DreamEase from our KidScents line. Any of these will help soothe and calm your upset baby. To use, diffuse in the room while cuddling. You can use any of these topically on baby too. Use a dilution chart for the correct ratio of drops per carrier oil.

Check out a quick Dilution Ratio Guide Here

Playing strange? This is all part of growth and development but there are ways to help. Any of the oils above listed under tantrums can help. Apply topically the same way or put a drop or two into your hands and rub over their clothing. That way it’s in their immediate space and no wait time. All this aside, if they are going through separation anxiety then gentle reassurance, lots of cuddles and creating a positive safe enviornment is key. Don’t worry…it will pass ;)

Feel free to try out a few of these if any resonate with you or if you are currently at your wits end. Trust me mama, I’ve been there. If I could go back with all the information I know now about essential oils and natural plant based products from YL, Life would have been a LOT less stressful.

New members will receive 10% off your order when you become a member. Membership is free so long as you place at least one order a year from signup date. You’ll also be able to enjoy 24% off with my wholesale pricing. Ask me how you can earn free monthly promos and cheap shipping too! Seriously…this company is so amazing at giving back! Use the code #19271124 when asked and you’ll be hooked up to me so I can help and support you on your journey.

As always I am here for you. Not sure if YL is the right fit for you? Let’s connect, I would happily share out a sample with you to try first.

And if you are ready and want your sanity back…lean right in ands save 24% with link below

Petra King Photography specializes in Motherhood, Baby, Health & Wellness in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice, Whitby, Durham Region, Toronto, GTA and surrounding areas.

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My Top 5 Motherhood Oils for Fall: Oshawa Motherhood Studio Photography

Welcome to September! Kids are back to school and as we get adjusted to new routines this week ( or settle into old ones) with it brings a lot of mental and physical exhaustion. And of course germs and sickness. Being a parent is hard enough, but when your little one/s or family goes down for the count it all falls on mom right? Germs are everywhere and a part of our lives, but there are things you can do to help keep your families immune systems strong. 

Sweet Baby girl turns one

I’ve put together a list of my top 5 oils for motherhood that will help keep you and your family healthy. While still keeping your sanity too.

Bowmanville Baby Milestone Photographer

Here’s my top 5 motherhood oils…your Easy Button!

In order from left to right:

Thieves-this will be your game changer to keeping the family healthy. And when sickness hits, your recovery time will be drastically cut down. Thieves kills 99.96% of all airborne germs. Diffuse, wear topically or make Thieves, Lemon and honey tea when onset of sickness starts. Thieves is a hot oil so use with carrier oil on little ones on soles of feet or spine.

R.C- (respiratory care) amazing for sinus congestion, cough, allergies, asthma, sleep and lung infections. I also use this for my workouts. Keeps the airways open ;) Diffuse or wear topically.

Lavender- one I don’t go without. YL’s lavender is not your grandma’s lavender lol. It’s so so good. I use this daily for sleep, managing stress when I need some calm/grounding. It’s also in my mom’s wellness kit. Scrapes, bites, burns, use in your skincare regimen and so much more. Use topically on pulse points or drop into hand and inhale. Diffuse and transform your space to have more Zen/Spa like vibes.

Stressaway- Yeo the name says it all. It’s your vacation in a bottle :) Used for reducing stress and keeping emotions where they should be. That goes for ALL ages. Can be used topically or diffused. Added to skin, hair. body products or worn as perfume.

Progessence- Hormones and emotions, time of the month and overall balance. Every mama needs this magical oil. Low Progesterone is so common in women ( including myself) Progessence is made with wild yam and is a natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement. It also helps relieve PMS and all symptoms around your period too.

You pour every ounce of your being into your family mama. I am SO proud of you!

Just look at the GORGEOUS tiny human you have raised!

Floral Cake Smash Photography

Motherhood doesn’t need to be hard. There are tools to help make things easier and HEALTHIER for the entire family. Check out the world of Young Living and see how it can help you.

This blog post is meant to share my fav’s with you. There is SO much more that YL has to offer too. So go put the little ones down, make a tea and dive into our beautiful catalog seen here. Becoming a member is FREE, and doesn’t lock you into anything. It DOES give you the 24% savings on every product PLUS if this is your 1st time ordering, you will get an additional 10% off your order.

Have fun and I am here if you have questions about some of our products.

Oshawa Floral Cake Smash Photographer

Petra King Photography specializes in Motherhood, Baby, Health & Wellness in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice, Whitby, Durham Region, Toronto, GTA and surrounding areas.

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