Top 5 Oils for new Moms: Petra King Photography I Maternity + Baby + Wedding Photographer

Welcoming a new baby into your lives is HUGE. It’s a BIG change to your family dynamics, be it your first or not. Along with these changes come a whole bag of tricks that we are generally unprepared for. Sleep deprivation, emotions, stress, fighting germs and oh ya…hormones.

Oshawa Bowmanville Newborn Baby Boy

I am here to help make motherhood easier.If you are concerned about all the crap that is out there and worried what’s best for you and baby, this will help. Bite sized info that are easy to digest. Any help or advice on what works while you are in the thick of things is what most moms crave, right? And at the end of the day YOU need to do what you believe is best. These are MY top 5 oils for new moms that I know you will love and appreciate.

Bowmanville Sibling and newborn baby photography
Top 5 oils for motherhood


This is not your Grandmother’s lavender bathroom spray lol. This is the Swiss Army of oils. It also smells way different. In the best way too, because what we are used to is synthetic or a fragrance. YL Lavender is pure. Uplifts moods, amazing to unwind and my go to for sleep, skin (anti-fungal/inflammatory properties) Scrapes,bites and a great antihistamine.


Once teething hits…this is a lifesaver :) It’s powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties help to ease the pain on tender gums in minutes. It is also great for the nervous system, healing the skin and for colds/respiratory system.


One oil I cannot live without! Every home needs Thieves and those who use it will totally speak volumes about it too. Thieves kills 99.98% of germs. Amazing for your immune support, keeping you healthy and warding off sickness. It dates back to the 15th Century when grave robbers stole from the sick/dying during the plague. It is YL’s #1 seller. They have a whole home cleaning line using Thieves oil.

Peace and Calming

This beautiful blend is perfect for calming and soothing anxiety, stress, hyperactiveness and can help with insomnia. Great support for your emotional and nervous system too!

Progessence Photo Plus (PPP)

Let’s talk about homones shall we? They aren’t fun and one minute you are hot the next freezing and in tears. I get it…been there lol. Progessence supports healthy hormone balance in women. It contains natural hormone extract (use progesterone) from wild yams. Provides relief during PMS and menopause, endometriosis, PCOS, PPD, hot flashes, insomnia, hair loss, weight gain and so much more. I love it. I use it twice a day (am and night) 1-2 drops as part of my daily routine.

Interested in trying something to see how it can help you and your family? Use this link below to save you 24% AND an additional 10% on your first order. Creating your account is easy and free and ZERO obligations.

Get started here

Oshawa Bowmanville Markham Newborn Photographer

I am here for you mama. Sharing my knowledge and love with you because healthy mamas and healthy families matter.

Welcome sweet little Sonny. Your big sister and family love you so much!

Much love and till next time,


Petra King Photography’s studio celebrates Baby Milestones in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice, Whitby, Durham Region, Toronto, GTA and surrounding areas.


Newborn Baby Girl: Petra King Photography I Maternity + Baby + Wedding Photographer


Austin One Year: Petra King Photography I Maternity + Baby + Wedding Photographer