Digital Files :: Ajax, Durham Region, Newborn, Maternity, Family Photographer Petra King

I came across a great read recently and would like to share it out with my followers, blog stalkers, friends and clients.  I hope that it sheds some light on the "Digital Age" when it comes to the consumers expectations. This article was posted on and featured a guest speaker named Lauri Baker. Ajax, Durham Region, Petra King Photography

With this being said, I'd like to thank all my past and current clients for their loyalty with me and my passion.  YOU are why I LOVE what I do.  Your trust in my work and faith in my business allows me to continue to make beautiful memories for you and your family.

For those wondering if I do sell Digital Files, why yes I do thank you!  ;)  Don't be shy, drop me a line at  I'd love to hear from you!

All the best,



Sisters:: Ajax,Durham Region,Pickering Family Photographer Petra King


Stunning Scarborough Family:: Ajax, Durham Region,Scarborough Photographer Petra King