Bowmanville Fall Family Photography

I know I say it year after year but I am so honoured and lucky to have been this family`s photographer for the last 7 years.  It has been an amazing journey watching these little monkey`s grow and adding 2 new siblings into their family unit.  LOOK how much they have grown!  I loved greeting them for our session below and getting hugs and high fives. cool is that?   The trust you earn from children and parents is something that is beyond what you are hired to do as a photographer.  The emotional connection you make and evoke within them speaks volumes.  And all this done without any bribes...okay...maybe a timbit or two! Working with children is always fun, however to the new photographers in the field can be daunting. Prior to all of my sessions we have a consult of expectations, needs and any area of concerns. Being prepared ahead of time is always at the top of my list so that you make sure you meet the needs of your client.  When you happen to have a keen eye and really know your exceed their expectations.

Siblings sharing some silly jokes...



Adorable Toddler Style


Christmas Milestone Sessions